wild rice in a rice cooker

Rice Cooker Wild Rice: Perfectly Cooked Wild Rice in a Rice Cooker

Cooking wild rice in a rice cooker may seem unconventional, but it’s a hassle-free method that yields perfectly cooked grains every time. Using your trusty rice cooker, I’d like to guide you through the simple steps to achieve fluffy and flavorful wild rice.

So, wild rice is a bit different from what you’re used to, and you need help cooking it?

Whether you picked up the wrong bag of rice at the grocery store or are meant to snatch a sack of these delicious grains, this guide will give you everything you need to make the perfect batch of cooked wild rice using the rice cooker method.

Wild rice stands out for its distinctive flavor, ease of preparation, delightful taste, and unparalleled nutritional benefits. Cooking Wild Rice In A Rice Cooker can simplify your life, reducing your risk of unevenly cooked rice.

Today, I want to share my expertise in cooking wild rice, demystifying the whole cooking process and encouraging everyone, from amateur to seasoned kitchen veterans, to embrace the joy of preparing this culinary gem in a rice cooker.

What sets wild rice apart from white or yellow rice is its culinary allure and remarkable health benefits.

Packed with essential nutrients, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, wild rice is more than just a delightful addition to the plate – it’s a celebration of well-being.

Cooking rice on the stovetop in a pot can be a little tricky, and that is where this guide makes Cooking Wild Rice in a Rice Cooker not only an Easy Task but incredibly delicious and Healthy!

Why Wild Rice?

Something magical about a cup of wild rice captivates me whenever I enter my kitchen.

This isn’t just another ingredient; it’s naturally gluten-free and a statement of taste, versatility, nutrition, beauty, and my commitment to sustainability.

Wild Rice Variety

1. Distinctive Flavor Profile:

Wild rice, native to North America, boasts a unique and robust flavor that differentiates it from conventional rice varieties.

Its nutty and earthy undertones add depth to dishes, creating a sensory experience that transcends the ordinary. As a chef, wild rice’s ability to elevate a dish’s taste profile is truly unparalleled.

2. Culinary Versatility:

Wild rice has become a favorite in my culinary journey because of its versatility. It serves as a canvas for many flavors, seamlessly complementing savory and sweet dishes.

Whether incorporated into salads, stuffed in poultry, or featured as a side dish, wild brown rice adapts and enhances the overall culinary composition with finesse.

3. Nutritional Powerhouse

Wild rice blend is a nutritional powerhouse in an era where health-conscious dining is gaining prominence.

As an executive chef committed to crafting indulgent and healthful meals, the wealth of nutrients in cooked wild rice makes it a compelling choice.

Rich in protein, fiber, essential minerals, and antioxidants, wild rice adds a nourishing dimension to every dish it graces.

4. Aesthetically Pleasing Presentation

From a visual perspective, wild rice contributes to the aesthetic appeal of a dish. Its dark, slender grains contrast with lighter ingredients, creating visually stunning presentations on the plate.

As a chef with an appreciation for the artistry of cuisine, the aesthetic allure of wild rice adds an extra layer of sophistication to my creations.

5. Environmental Sustainability

Beyond its culinary attributes, wild rice often comes from sustainable cultivation practices, aligning with the growing emphasis on responsible sourcing in the culinary world.

Choosing wild rice enhances the dining experience and reflects a commitment to environmental stewardship.

What Do I Need To Make Wild Rice In a Rice Cooker?

Wild Rice On table


  1. Wild Rice: Choose high-quality wild rice for optimal flavor and texture. The amount depends on the number of servings you intend to prepare.

  2. Water: Use clean, fresh water for the cooking cycle. The water-to-Rice ratio is typically 2:1, but checking your rice cooker’s manual for specific recommendations is advisable.

  3. Salt: Enhance the flavor of the wild rice by adding a pinch of salt. This step is optional but contributes to a more well-rounded taste.

  4. Fat (Optional): A small amount of butter or olive oil can be added for richness and depth of flavor. This is also an optional step based on personal preference.


  1. Rice Cooker: Choose one of the more reliable rice cookers rice to accommodate the desired amount of wild rice. If your rice cooker has specific settings for wild rice, you can use those for the best results.

  2. Measuring Cup: Precise measurements are crucial for achieving the perfect texture. Use a measuring cup to ensure the correct wild rice ratio to water or chicken stock.

  3. Fine-Mesh Sieve or Colander: After you soak wild rice. A fine-mesh sieve or colander is essential for rinsing the wild rice before cooking to remove excess starch and impurities.

  4. Fork: Use a fork to fluff the cooked wild rice gently. This helps prevent clumping and ensures a light, fluffy texture.

Optional Additions

  1. Herbs and Spices: Customize the flavor profile of your wild rice by adding herbs and spices. For a savory twist, consider ingredients like thyme, rosemary, or a bay leaf.

  2. Broth or Stock: You can use chicken broth or stock to infuse additional flavor into the wild rice instead of water in the rice cooker.

How Do You Cook Wild Rice In a Rice Cooker?

Wild Rice In a Rice Cooker

Cooking wild rice in a rice cooker is convenient and foolproof, producing consistently delicious results. Using a rice cooker takes out a little bit of that guesswork.

Experiment with different seasonings and enjoy perfectly cooked wild rice’s nutty, chewy texture in your favorite dishes.


  • Wild rice

  • Water

  • Salt (optional)

  • Butter or olive oil (optional)

How To Cook Wild Rice

Step 1: Rinse the Wild Rice: Start by rinsing the wild rice under cold running water. This helps remove excess starch and any impurities. Place the rinsed, uncooked wild rice in a fine-mesh sieve or colander.

Step 2: Measure the Rice and Water: Consult your rice cooker’s user manual for specific water-to-rice ratios, as they vary. Generally, a 1:2 ratio of wild rice to water is a good starting point. For every 1 cup of wild rice, use two cups of water or chicken broth.

Step 3: Pre-Soak (Optional): While wild rice doesn’t require soaking like other varieties, a brief pre-soak of 30 minutes to an hour can help reduce cooking time. If you’re short on time, you can skip this step.

Step 4: Add Salt and Fat (Optional): No need for nonstick cooking spray. Enhance the flavor of your wild rice by adding a pinch of salt and a small amount of butter or olive oil. This step is optional but contributes to a richer taste.

Step 5: Place in the Rice Cooker: Transfer the rinsed wild rice to the rice cooker. Add the measured water and any optional ingredients. Mix gently to distribute the salt and fat evenly.

Step 6: Select the Cooking Setting: Choose the appropriate setting on your rice cooker. If your rice cooker has a specific setting for wild rice, you can use that. Otherwise, the regular rice cooker pot setting should suffice.

Step 7: Let it Cook: Close the lid and let the wild rice blend and cooker do its magic. The cooking time can vary, but it typically takes 45 minutes to 1 hour. Keep an eye on the rice cooker; your wild rice should be ready once it switches to the “warm” setting.

Step 8: Fluff and Serve: Open the rice cooker lid and fluff the wild rice with a fork. Allow it to sit for a few minutes to firm up. Serve the wild rice as a side dish, as a base for a salad, or as a nutritious addition to various recipes.

What Can You Do With Leftover Wild Rice?

Rice and Chicken Dinner

Leftover cooked wild rice can be a versatile and delicious ingredient to have on hand.

Here are some creative and tasty ways after it leaves the rice cooker, and ends up in an airtight container in your fridge:

  1. Wild Rice Salad: Combine the cold wild rice with fresh vegetables like diced bell peppers, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes. Add a vinaigrette dressing and fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro for a refreshing salad.

  2. Fried Wild Rice: Use it as the base for a fried rice dish. Sauté onions, garlic, and your choice of vegetables (like carrots, peas, and bell peppers), then add the wild rice and some soy sauce or tamari for a flavorful stir-fry.

  3. Soup or Stew Addition: Add leftover wild rice to soups or stews. It works exceptionally well in creamy soups or chicken broth stews, adding texture and filling the dish.

  4. Wild Rice Pilaf: Sauté some onions, garlic, and mushrooms, then stir in the wild rice. Add a splash of white wine or broth, and finish with fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon juice for an elegant side dish.

  5. Wild Rice Breakfast Bowl: Warm the wild rice and pair it with your favorite breakfast ingredients. For a hearty breakfast bowl, top with a fried or poached egg, avocado slices, and a sprinkle of cheese.

  6. Stuffed Vegetables: Mix wild rice with other ingredients like cooked meat, beans, cheese, and herbs, and use it as a stuffing for bell peppers, tomatoes, or zucchini.

  7. Wild Rice Casserole: Combine wild rice with a creamy sauce, vegetables, and protein (like chicken or tofu), top with breadcrumbs or cheese, and bake until golden and bubbly.

  8. Grain Bowls: Use a cup of wild rice as the base for a grain bowl. Top it with roasted vegetables, a protein source (like grilled chicken, tofu, or beans), and a flavorful dressing.

  9. Wild Rice Patties: Mix the wild rice with a binder like beaten eggs or mashed beans, form into patties, and pan-fry them for a crispy, savory snack or meal.

  10. Add to Baked Goods: Incorporate wild rice into bread or muffin recipes for added texture and nutrition.

In Conclusion

Wild Rice

There’s something special about wild rice in a rice cooker that makes any meal feel like a cozy, yet fancy, dinner at home. It’s got this rich, nutty smell and a texture that’s just hearty enough to be satisfying without being too heavy.

It’s the ingredient that can jazz up any dish, whether whipping something fancy or just cooking a regular meal.

I found this excellent guide on how to cook wild rice in a rice cooker, and it’s been a game-changer. It’s perfect for anyone who loves cooking, whether you’re a pro in the kitchen or just starting.

Cooking wild rice this way makes it super simple to add a touch of something special to your meals.

But here’s the best part: wild rice from a rice cooker isn’t just tasty—it’s super good for you, too. It’s loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber.

In a time when we’re all trying to eat healthier without giving up on flavor, wild rice is like hitting the jackpot.

And oh, the things you can do with it! Pair it with some juicy steak, fresh seafood, or even just a bunch of veggies, and you have a delicious and wholesome meal.

What I love most is how it can handle all kinds of flavors. It goes just as well with the smoky taste of barbecued meat as it does with something light and citrusy.

It’s like this perfect culinary chameleon that brings out the best in whatever you’re cooking.

FAQ and Additional Information

What would you suggest to Serve With Wild Rice?

Wild Rice

Wild rice’s distinctive flavor and robust texture make it a versatile side dish that pairs well with various main courses.

As an experienced executive chef, you likely appreciate the importance of creating harmonious flavor profiles on the plate.

Here are some excellent options to consider when deciding what to serve with wild rice:

  1. Grilled or Roasted Meats:

    • Wild rice complements the rich flavors of grilled or roasted meats such as steak, lamb chops, or roasted chicken. The nutty notes of the wild rice contrast these dishes’ savory and smoky profiles.

  2. Poultry Dishes:

    • Serve wild rice alongside poultry dishes, such as roast turkey, duck, or game birds—the chewy texture of wild rice pairs well with the tender meat, creating a satisfying combination.

  3. Seafood Creations:

    • The earthy flavor of wild rice works wonderfully with seafood. Consider serving it with grilled salmon, pan-seared trout, or a seafood stew. The rice’s nuttiness complements the delicate flavors of fish and shellfish.

  4. Vegetarian and Vegan Options:

    • Wild rice can be served with roasted vegetables, stuffed bell peppers, or a hearty vegetable stir-fry for a plant-based pairing. The rice adds substance and depth to vegetarian and vegan dishes.

  5. Sautéed Mushrooms:

    • The earthy undertones of wild rice harmonize beautifully with the rich flavors of sautéed mushrooms. Consider incorporating wild mushrooms into a risotto-style dish or serving wild rice alongside a mushroom-stuffed protein.

  6. Herb-Infused Preparations:

    • Elevate the aromatic qualities of wild rice by serving it with dishes infused with fresh herbs. A rosemary, thyme-infused roasted chicken, parsley, and lemon-marinated fish pair exceptionally well with wild rice.

  7. Cranberry or Dried Fruit Accents:

    • Introduce a sweetness to your meal by incorporating dried cranberries, apricots, or raisins into the wild brown rice. This creates a delightful contrast and adds layers of flavor to the overall dining experience.

  8. Citrus-Glazed Proteins:

    • The bright and zesty citrus notes complement the nutty taste of wild rice. Serve it alongside proteins glazed with citrus-based sauces, such as orange-glazed chicken or lemon-buttered shrimp.

  9. Sauces and Gravies:

    • Pair wild rice with dishes that have flavorful sauces or gravies. Wild rice can absorb and enhance the accompanying flavors, whether red wine reduction, a creamy mushroom sauce, or a tangy barbecue glaze.

  10. Salads and Fresh Greens:

    • Transform wild rice into a refreshing salad with fresh greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and a light vinaigrette. This makes for a satisfying and wholesome side dish.

Does wild rice need to be rinsed?

Rinse Rice

Yes, wild rice should typically be rinsed before cooking. Rinsing wild rice helps to remove any debris or dust that might be on the grains.

Additionally, rinsing can wash away some of the natural compounds that can give wild rice a slightly bitter taste, resulting in a cleaner, more neutral flavor in the cooked wild rice mix.

Never spray rice cooker pan if using a fat like oil or butter.

To rinse wild rice, place it in a fine-mesh strainer and run cold water over it until it clears. This simple step can make a noticeable difference in your dish’s final taste and quality.

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